It certainly is hard out here for a bitch, Lily Allen I applaud you for erecting that middle finger of yours towards the representation of women featured in music videos of 2013.
We as a society have come a long way in the ideals of equality for sexes, but that’s hard to see in the world of music; women are still treated as objects of sex. When you mindlessly oogle at a music video think, are you watching a creative portrayal and storyline to match each lyric or is it simply soft porn?
2013 is the year that female artists embracing their sexuality have gone a tad too far.
Stars such as Miley Cyrus and Rhianna who are not afraid to take their music videos to the next level with nudity and voyeuristic features, aren’t really being the perfect role models for the next generation of teenage girls. Their music videos depict them shaking their arses in front of the camera and acting like objects of sex.
If Miley wasn’t enough of a dickhead already she definitely would be after her actions in the wrecking ball video - you are what you eat and clearly you’ve been licking too many lollipops, crazed crack whore Cyrus. Miley stop addressing everyone as your homegirls and young innocent girls of today please don’t be shaking it like [you’re] at a strip club.
Rhianna’s new video as well for Pour it up is bloody provocative, with RiRi at one point being sprawled all over a chair legs flailing in the air. If I had to sit there and watch it with parents I would cringe like there’s no tomorrow, and feel obliged to apologise for the train-wreck of innuendo displayed before them.
Teenagers are impressionable and these images feed them the story that they are enslaved by sex.
Lily Allen sets them all straight in her new song Hard out here, released in mid November this year. It no-doubtedly sums up the year 2013 for the music industry.
I completely support Allen in what she is trying to stand up for and others –mainly women- should agree.
Women are fed an image of perfection by the media everyday. Girls are criticized for almost anything they do. If you’re not like the celebrities in the videos then you’re not perfect are you? Shame. You're not a size six, and you're not good looking, you should probably lose some weight 'cause we can't see your bones, you should probably fix your face or you'll end up on your own.
I hope to god you can all see the hint of sarcasm there from Allen.
Decadence seems to be the overarching theme of music in 2013 lets hope it changes in the months to come so that pop stars can act like lady’s in the public eye instead of bitches.